One year ago, Vern Moen and Miah Idema saddled up into a silver minivan and drove cross country to tell the story of a band of misfiits who attempt to compete in the longest and hardest bicycle race in the world - The Race Across America.
Many, including our own familiies, aren't clear what our job description is. Here it is from that week in June one year ago: Drive a Dodge Caravan across America at 20mph for 6 days. Sleep in tha t same caravan for about 4 hours per day. Fly a remote control alien spaceship that takes videos. Predi ct the future. Don't shower. Get lost. Eat corn nuts. Drink Red Bull. Reformat cards. Crash alien spaceship. And film real people kiicking ass. Hope that clear s it up.
The film is now being submitted to film festivals and we'll keep you posted on it's premiere. If you'd like more info, here's the website for the film: The Cannonball Ride